May 25, 2013

How many do you have social media?

In today's world, peoples are rushing to make social media. Of which only limited personal information to agencies and the news on TV has an account on social media. Some are even using  promotional and marketing merchandise. Including me one of them,hehe. 

Friendster's era, social media dominated by this site. Until some say, you never will get update if you do not have a account in friendster. The people who found her soul mate through this site and then too much to lead to marriage. Well! happy ending.

And now friendster's era has ended. The site was acquired by games website. Friendster going down began to look after the social media site called "facebook" appears. Facebook chat facility that is equipped to load the site quickly gained more fans. Friendster users began moving to facebook because, the site very attractive and can interact directly although only by chat.

After facebook, then appear one website social media. It is called "twitter". Facebook still leading from totally users in the world. But now, eventhough leading facebook just "FYI" for user's facebook. Because the timeline of facebook is more used by peoples to selling something or promote things trade with tag his or her friends. That is very annoying. So, because that more of people moving to twitter and we can share anything and twitter website facilitated with lock/unlock feature. If you lock yor account, the people's who want follow you need confirmation from you. And you can say anything about yor boss for example, with note your boss not follow your account twitter. haha.

Very much social media in this era. There are path, instagram, twoo, and etc. So of the many social media, you've got how many accounts? and whether they are active or you are just an observer of social media in your timeline?

How about website blog? Blog not just for blogspot and wordpress. Now, you can blogging with tumblr. New website for blogging. 

May 10, 2013

esmosi saya

Selamat pagi..! Sambil dalam perjalanan menuju kantor menggunakan moda transportasi massal KRL, yang mana dalam sebulan pasti mengalami gangguan dengan penumpang udah kayak dipepes.

Tiga hari kemarin gw cuti, Senin-Rabu. Balik ke kampung halaman buat ngurus surat pindah domisili. Yah! officially gw bukan penduduk Manhattan (red: Magetan) per tanggal 8 Mei. Cuti 3 hari lumayan bikin emosi. Karena email kantor terkoneksi dengan salah satu hp gw, jadinya mau gak mau gw harus monitoring. Bukan karena kerjaan gw emosinya, tapi karena 1 orang vendor yang oon nya amit-amit.

vendor: mas, aku minta materi videonya ya segera.
gw: OK mas, sedang saya mintain ke klien.
(setengah jam kemudian, gw kirim materi videonya via "we transfer" karena file video yang gede banget)
gw: mas, materi video sudah saya kirim. silahkan didownload.

Gw ngirimnya hari Jumat, dan eksekusinya sesuai jadwal hari Selasa. Which is dia masih ada waktu di hari Senin buat ngasih ke gw preview video materi iklannya kayak apa untuk bisa diapprove. Bukan preview yg gw dapet di hari Senin, tapi kata-kata yang bikin gw emosi.

vendor: mas,materi bisa dikirim ulang ke kami dalam bentuk video? karena kami tidak punya fasilitas download.

KECOA BUNTING..!! Dia ngasih info hari Senin jam 4 sore. Pagi sampai siang kemana aja...??!! *lempar bakiak* *lempar sendal*

Setelah materi dikirim dan itu vendor kirim preview-nya, ada yang janggal. Iklannya cuma video thok! gak pake wording. Pas ditanya ke vendor jawabannya adalah....

vendor: maaf mas, kita hanya terima materi video saja, gak ada materi wording.

Ini vendor makin ngeselin. Sebelumnya gw sudah pernah kirim format wording untuk materi iklan via email. Gak pernah check email nih gw rasa ini orang.

Gara-gara ini vendor bangke! launching iklan mundur satu hari. Mundur sehari setelah launching produk. Seharusnya launching produk berbarengan dengan launcing iklannya. Hah! klien pun komplain..:(